Burning Tips for Soy Wax Candles

Burning Tips for Soy Wax Candles

The first time you burn your new candle is one of the most important times to show your candle a little love to ensure a long, enjoyable relationship with your candle.

Think of it like a first date. You want to dedicate the time and energy so you can have many future successful and enjoyable rendezvous together.

The most important factor is to make sure you can dedicate 2-3 hours to you’re your candle for the first time. Please do not start your first date without ensuring you will be interrupted and will have to run out the door.

Now the setting is everything. Select the perfect location in your room for your candle where you can stare admiringly the entire time. This location should be on a flat, stable surface. And as with any first date, things may get hot so make sure it’s on a flame resistant surface.

Be a sweetheart and keep your candle away from cold drafts. Candles tend not to go well with children or pets either so put them up high on their own pedestal and make it all about them for the evening.

You’ll know you’ve achieved the desired outcome for your first date when the wax has melted all the way to the edge of the jar and the melt pool is about ¼ inch deep. Your dedication to this process will create a memory on your wax that will last its entire life time.

Remember, even the best things in life should only be enjoyed in small quantities. You should never let your candle burn for longer then 4 hours on any of your trysts. Give your candle enough time recover from your hot trysts to harden again before enjoying each other’s company.

When you meet up again, please make sure to trim the wick to ¼ inch. Remove any trimmings from your candle before lighting again and turning up the heat. This will ensure a long, clean relationship with your candle.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. When your candle’s wax reaches 1/2" deep, it’s time to end the relationship and find the next, new exciting candle to start the process all over again. It’s ok. The candle will understand.

Tip: On your last burn, pour the melted wax into a heat resistive container lined with paper towels. Pop the metal wick base off the bottom of the jar and wash with hot soapy water. You can then reuse the jar for some other purpose. Once the wax has hardened onto the paper towels, simply discard into the garbage.

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